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Exchange Club Members

Give a Kid a Flag to Wave with Rep. David Price
Elementary school students learn about the flag.

Trunk or Treat
Participating with the Durham Police Department during their Trunk or Treat event.

Exchange Club Members

Meetings are held the first four Thursdays of each month
at 1 PM at the University Club,
3100 Tower Blvd, 17th floor, Durham, NC 27707.
Email: if you'd like to join us.
The Exchange Club of Greater Durham is a group of men and women working to make Greater Durham (and our surrounding communities) a better place to live through local and national projects, including the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Our club is also involved in National Programs of Service. The National Programs of Service bring into greater focus the most pressing issues of the day. The programs include: Americanism, Youth Programs, Community Service and our national project: the Prevention of Child Abuse.
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